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Property Management

Ensure efficient management of your properties and rental assets.


Property Management

Meet our property management system (PMS) and automate many tasks you once have to do manually.

Property list
Rent collection
Scheduled maintenance


  1. 1
    Property list
    PMS can be immensely helpful when it comes to managing your property list efficiently and effectively. Below are several manners in which PMS can support you in managing your list of properties:
    • Property Information Management
    • Centralized Database
    • Automated Updates
    • Online Listing
    • Communication and Documentation
    • Town planning
    • Consumption monitoring
    • BI & Reporting
  2. 2
    Rent collection
    PMS can be incredibly helpful in streamlining and improving rent collection processes. Here are some ways in which can assist you with rent collection:
    • Automated Rent Invoices
    • Online Payment Options
    • Automatic Reminders
    • Tracking and Reporting
    • Integration with Accounting Software
  1. 3
    Ιntegrate GPS-based technologies with PMS can provide additional benefits and enhance the overall management experience:
    • Property and Staff Tracking
    • Emergency Management
    • Geophysical mapping
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    Scheduled maintenance
    PMS can be extremely helpful in managing scheduled maintenance for properties:
    • Calendar
    • Automated Reminders and Alerts
    • Centralized Task Management
    • Vendor Management
    • Historical Maintenance Data
    • Cost Tracking and Budgeting


PMS can provide benefits to businesses operating in various industries.
Real Estate
Use PMS to handle residential and commercial properties, including rental properties.
Hospitality (Hotels & Vacation Rentals):
Hotels, resorts, and other hospitality businesses use PMS to manage room bookings, check-ins, check-outs, guest profiles, and many more
Student Housing
Universities and institutions managing on-campus or off-campus student housing can use PMS to streamline allocation, billing, and maintenance
Government and Public Sector
Government agencies and public sector organizations may use property management systems to manage public properties, such as parks and government buildings.
Human Resources
Simplify recruitment processes, employee onboarding, performance management, leave requests, and offboarding procedures, reducing administrative burdens and improving HR efficiency.
Companies that own or manage industrial facilities and warehouses can use PMS for tracking leases, maintenance, and tenant information
Healthcare Facilities
Hospitals and healthcare institutions with multiple properties can benefit from using PMS to manage their real estate assets.
Educational Institutions
Universities and schools with multiple campuses or rental properties can use PMS to streamline property management tasks