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Port Management

Anchoring Excellence: Empowering Ports with Smart Software


Port Management

The majority of the procedures within even the most extensive port can presently be digitalized leveraging cutting-edge technology and the substantial expertise accumulated over several years in the industry.

Port Management
Ship repairs management
Automated Processes
Tank management
Cost reduction


  1. 1
    Port Management Meet Orama Port Management, the unified platform where port authority invoicing policy can be applied.
    Ease the workload of your staff through the application of automated processes, as vessel details are being automatically transmitted to the related port authority.
    Maintain a visual footprint of your organization and of the assigned mooring terminals, through GIS interoperability.
  2. 2
    Ship repairs and tank management Provide your organization with a reliable platform for docking requests management and requests.
    Calculations and payments in advance can be achieved through the automatic pricing process of the platform.
    Manage and map places of interest, dry-docks, pillars etc, through GIS interoperability.
  1. 3
    Passenger Traffic Management Get instant insights into passenger traffic, with a distinction between ferry and cruise traffic.
    with a split between sailing and cruising. Pricing policy can be applied automatically.
  2. 4
    Management/Allocation of Human and Mechanical Resources Effectively manage the human and engineering resources, where resource requirements are captured by shift and item. Take immediate decisions and move resources where there is an increased need. Delegate additional tasks and manage any staff overtime.