Q&R has undertaken a new IT project from the General Secretariat for Digital Governance
HomeNewsΤhe "Netcompany – Intrasoft S.A. & Q&R" signed a contract with the Information Society for the project: "Support
and Upgrade of the Public Procurement System" under Action 16736 "New Public Contracts System" of the "National Recovery
and Resilience Plan (Greece 2.0)," with the Ministry of Digital Governance as the Project Lead. QUALITY & RELIABILITY S.A.
participates in the consortium with a 25% share. The total budget for the project amounts to €5,664,400.00 plus VAT, with the
Company's share being €1,416,100.00 plus VAT.
The project aims to optimize the National System of Electronic Public Procurements ecosystem through digital
modernization and the enhancement of processes and functionality.